
The phrase that best summarises the energy of Scolecite is 'inner peace'. Scolecite emanates a deep peace that can resonate through one's entire auric field. For those who wish to enhance meditation, sleep more restfully or dream more sweetly, Scolecite is highly recommended.
Holding a piece of Scolecite to the third eye, one may experience a slow, rolling pulsation of energy that feels almost like a massage to that chakra. A sense of calm descends, and with it comes a feeling of serenity that can gently lift one to higher planes of awareness. If one has ever 'drifted off' to the higher planes during a meditation, massage or energy treatment, this is akin to the feeling generated by Scolecite.
The uplifting, relaxed state brought about by Scolecite is ideal for healing sessions, meditation, lucid dreaming or restful sleep. It offers protection from the intrusion of negative astral energies or entities, as it lifts one to the higher vibrational planes.
Emotionally, Scolecite enhances the heart-chakra energies, making the spontaneous expression of love a more frequent experience.
Scolecite is a gentle, yet powerful awakener of the higher mind. Instead of 'blasting' open the higher chakras, Scolecite acts as a mild cleanser, gently clearing the debris from these energy centres and allowing the Light to shine in. It is an excellent friend for those afraid of opening too quickly or who need to learn the power of gentleness.
Scolecite lends itself wonderfully to dream work, as it helps one open to subtle messages from the deeper self and from higher sources. It can enhance the dream state and facilitate dream recall. In meditative work, it helps clear the channel between the crown chakra (personal enlightenment) and the Soul Star Chakra (transpersonal enlightenment).
Scolecite allows one to gently open to one's higher nature and the expanded realms beyond the physical plane. Its soft, peaceful energy invites interaction with other peace loving beings for the purpose of healing the Earth and humanity of violence and chaos.
Scolecite is a stone of kindness, gentleness and non-reaction. It teaches the power of receptivity and expansion and helps one become more balanced when faced with difficulty. Peace is the key word of this ally.
Scolecite can be used to help bring a sense of peace and calm when one is distraught.
Affirmation: My mind and heart are at peace as I journey more and more deeply into the realms of spirit.
This crystal description has been adapted from The Book of Stones.