Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is one of the premier grounding stones. It can help even the spaciest individuals to get their ‘land leg’s they can fully function as physical beings. When one is working in the higher realms, Smoky Quartz can help one come back to the body and the physical world. It also facilitates the grounding of spiritual information, making it possible to do something practical and beneficial with the insights one receives in the rarefied atmosphere of the higher vibrational planes.
Smoky Quartz enhances practicality and organisation. Smoky Quartz offers protection from negative energies in one’s environment. It can absorb and transmit almost unlimited amounts of negativity by grounding it in the Earth, where it can be neutralised. It is a good stone for ‘keeping things clear’ by purging the atmosphere of unspoken resentments or suppressed conflicts.
Smoky Quartz is useful for helping one bring one’s dreams and inspired ideas into physical reality.
Like the smoke of a sage bundle, the energy of Smoky Quartz cleanses and clears the aura and energetic systems. It assists one in connecting to the Earth and completing the electrical circuit between one’s physical body and the planet. Without this completed circuit, one’s energy systems are very much like a high-tension power line that has snapped. Though there is plenty of energy available, there is nowhere for it to go. The energy is released through the aura into the environment, which can cause unpleasant effects - even energetic ‘burnout’ and disturbance of the nervous system. By grounding, one completes the circuit, gives the excess energy a safe outlet and establishes a healthy energetic flow in the body. Smoky Quartz is one’s greatest ally in establishing and utilising this energetic circuit.
In a sense, Smoky Quartz is an energetic composting device! It enables negative energies to be clarified so they may become usable and healthy once again.
Smoky Quartz is a spiritual grounding stone, helping one to receive and utilise more high-frequency energy. It assists one in aligning the physical body with an expanded range of Light frequencies and is both purifying and protective.
Affirmation: I am grounded and centred in my physical body, and I work step-by-step to achieve my goals.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite 'go to' crystal book - The Book of Stones.
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