
Garnet is a stone of the ancient times in human history, when people were more intimately connected to the Earth, and when life was more physically demanding. Its energies are very Earth-connected and it can vibrationally enhance one’s vitality and endurance. Garnet activates and strengthens the base chakra, our portal of connection to the physical world. It is an excellent stone for those who are a bit ungrounded, or who may lack energy.
This is also a stone of tangible truth. As a stone of the first chakra, Garnet can help arouse the energies of Kundalini, the profound spiritual power said to lie dormant at the base of the spine.
Garnet is also a stone of psychic protection. Its relatively dense energies keep one strongly connected to the body, and when one is rooted in this way, it is more difficult for negative energies or entities to attach themselves.
Garnet helps cultivate a sense of physical security, safety and abundance. It stimulates the base chakra and the heart, allowing for the manifestation of one’s heartfelt desires in the world. It helps alleviate worry, panic and fear and assists one in maintaining a sense of calm and grounded connection to the present. It allows one to perceive the absolute support of the Universe and its provision of all of one’s needs.
Garnet aids one in finding joy in the physical plane, feeling supported in one’s needs and desires, and in giving and receiving love.
Garnet assists in helping to release panic, worry, fear and anxiety, especially around financial matters. It can teach one to develop trust in the infinite abundance of the universe and helps one to feel calm and grounded.
Affirmation: I am grounded and secure in my physical body and I draw from deep wells of strength and vitality.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite of all time crystal 'go to' bible, the "Book of Stones". There are several different types of 'garnets' and this one discussed and shown and that I have available in my store is known as Almandine Garnet.