Dendritic Agate

Dendritic Agate is not banded and so is not strictly an "Agate" in scientific terms, however it gets its name from a Greek word meaning 'tree-like' and this is quite descriptive of these stones as it looks like they have little ferns or tree branches within them. These inclusions are called dendrites.
Dendritic Agates are ideal tools for strengthening the fibre of the self through inner work. Thos involved in therapy, meditation practice, rebirthing, twelve-step programs or any other path of serious inner work will find Dendritic Agate to be a helpful talisman. Carrying or wearing one of these or keeping it on your altar will assist you in taking the day-by-day steps that are necessary to achieve desired insights and behaviour changes. Dendritic Agate helps one to keep a positive, though not unrealistic attitude while going through needed transformations. These stones can help reduce stress in difficult times, promoting a good-natured acceptance of one's circumstances, as well as offering long-term help in improving them. The purple varieties of Dendritic Agate are particularly well suited to purification of the body and energy field, and to working towards spiritual transformation.
Dendritic Agate assists one in perceiving the self-imposed limitations and patterns that have created one's experiences. This ally facilitates the perception of one's 'shadow self' and the integration of all aspects of one's being. It helps to purify the energy field and assist one to understand the 'positive' lessons of 'negative' experiences. It is a stone which carries the energy of balancing polarities and can help one to find a point of balance and wisdom through the integration of all aspects of the self.
Dendritic Agates open one's eyes to the Divine blueprint of the Self and to the areas in which one may be out of alignment to that pattern. It assists one in regarding one's habits and behaviours unflinchingly and facilitates the stable, sober determination required to make the necessary 'course corrections' upon the path of life. The purple varieties vibrate with the Violet flame of spiritual purification and these are particularly helpful in overcoming addictions and self-destructive impulses which stem from the unconscious apprehension that one is 'not good enough'.
Through its resonance with truth in regard to the self, Dendritic Agate assists one in overcoming the sources of guilt, resentment, envy, shame, blame and other self-destructive emotions. It helps one to see and forgive the experiences and people through which such patters were set in motion, and it allows one to form a fresh and realistic view of oneself, coloured neither by unwarranted self-deprecation nor by exalted fantasies. It helps one to get a 'wholesome' and truthful "reality check".
Organs and systems affected by inner tension and feelings of unworthiness will benefit most directly from Dendritic Agate's benevolent influence. These stones allow one to release stress, overcome addictions and stop repetitious patterns of toxic emotions which can deplete and exhaust us. In particular they can aid those working to overcome back pain, which is often caused by the unconscious desire to avoid confronting difficult feelings.
Affirmation: I am committed to doing the inner work that brings truth, growth and balance to my life.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite 'go to' crystal 'bible' - The Book of Stones.