Charoite Pebble Bracelet
Charoite is one of my all time favourite of ever Crystals!
There are 'presents' in the present. Charoite shows you the gifts of living in the moment, enhancing gratitude and appreciation for the day-to-day. This is true acceptance, letting go of expectations for what your life 'should be' and embracing what is, right now.
By just 'being', Charoite helps bring deep healing to your physical and emotional selves.
You can read more about Charoite on my Crystal Blog. And yes, this is the same Charoite that you will see being sold elsewhere for over $200 a bracelet!
These are absolutely so special these large Charoite pebble stretch bracelets. I was so very fortunate and feel such gratitude that I was able to obtain them and to offer them here, to you.
Each pebble measures around 8mm to 10mm and they are smooth radiant, sparkly and beautiful. This stunning stretch bracelet sits at around 6½” (16.5cm) to 7" (18cm) on the wrist and are stunning when worn stacked with other bracelets. If you would like your bracelet to be made smaller or larger I am happy to do this for you, please just send me a message with your order at checkout.