Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is beneficial for those who may have difficulty being heard by others or who wish to become more articulate in their speech.
It helps one 'find the words' to share one's highest truth with others and it assists one in building the confidence necessary to stand up and speak it in all situations. it helps instil clarity of thought and an unwavering intent in regards to the ideas and goals which matter most. It is a stone for the enhancement of loyalty and trustworthiness.
Many people are working now to consciously bring about the reality they wish to be theirs, and one of the tools for this is the use of verbal affirmations. The idea that our world is the way it is 'because we say so' is as revolutionary as it is true. For those working with affirmations, Blue Lace Agate can be an excellent tool because it strengthens the throat chakra and amplifies the power of what comes through it. Like other Agates, Blue Lace works in a slow and steady manner.
The frequency of Blue Lace Agate opens and clears the throat chakra and assists in connecting one's communications with one's higher guidance. It is the 'stone of the diplomat' due to its ability to assist one in speaking one's mind and heart in a way that others can hear. Blue Lace Agate can assist communication in situations where angry words need to be avoided and clear understanding promoted.
This stone helps those who have difficulty in expressing themselves due to fear of the judgment of others or their own self-doubt. Blue Lace Agate allows for the gentle opening of the throat chakra and the speaking of one's thoughts, beliefs and truth. It can assist those who may fear speaking in public or have difficulty sharing their ideas or thoughts with strangers. It can help one to greatly view one's own beliefs about the importance of one's own contribution in the world and to overcome negative childhood programming about being 'seen and not heard'.
Blue Lace Agate is also useful in balancing the throat Chakras of those who are unable to stop talking, or who tend to speak before thinking about the consequences and effects of their words in the world. This gentle ally can assist one to find the beauty of inner silence, and in being more discerning about the words and thoughts that they share with others. It can help those who are unable to 'keep a secret' to understand and abide by the sanctity of trust in communication.
Spiritually, Blue Lace Agate teaches us that our words create our reality and can be a reflection of our highest self. It is a soothing, gentle stone that can help to facilitate communication with guides in meditation, especially when seeking specific information and guidance. It can help one to understand the importance of communicating one's truth, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Blue Lace Agate can also be used on the third eye to soothe an overactive mind and to assist in calming and stilling one's thoughts.
On an emotional level, Blue Lace Agate is calming and centering. It can help soothe nervous or worried dispositions and to calm overly stimulated children. Blue Lace Agate assists one in understanding the importance of one's words in creating one's reality. It can help one to identify negative speech patterns and habits, and to shift one's inner dialogue to be more positive and uplifting. It can facilitate shy people to speak their ideas and share their knowledge and wisdom with others.
It can assist overly verbal individuals to calm their addiction to talking and to assist them in focussing on saying only what really needs to be said.
Affirmation: I communicate my ideas with clarity, conviction and eloquence.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite crystal go-to 'bible', The Book of Stones.