Rainbow Obsidian

Rainbow Obsidian is Black Obsidian that when polished and exposed to a strong light source, reveals bands of red, blue, gold and/or green shades which seems to correspond with layers of molten lava that cooled at different rates or times.
Rainbow Obsidian helps one take the downward journey to unexpected Light. One often expects the spiritual Light to be found above, in one's flights toward Heaven, but for most human beings it is impossible to escape the prison of one's own wounded psyche without going down. This journey into the depths is as amazing as it is necessary. As one descends, one finds the forgotten pieces of oneself that have been left behind at each wounding. Reclaiming the parts and continuing downward, one may experience more emptiness and deeper darkness before suddenly bursting into Light at the very nadir of the descent.
Often such journeys downward are preceipitated by a crisis in one's outer life. However, meditation with Rainbow Obsidian can facilitate a more voluntary experience of the depths. Using the stone in meditation and stone layout sessions, one may find the moment of opportunity wherein one can choose to go down in this way. Such chosen descents are usually of shorter duration than the ones brought about by crises, and they help one bring the soul closer to conscious awareness.
Of course, everyone's favourite part of the story is emergence into the Light, and Rainbow Obsidian embodies this aspect in its own appearance. In dim light, a Rainbow Obsidian sphere seems to be plain black, but when a strong light is shined upon it, radiant and vivid rings of colour appear. So ti is with one's own psyche when one reaches the light ad the end of the cave of the descent.
Rainbow Obsidian can be used to clear the emotional body of lingering patterns of emotional trauma. It is helpful in dissolving outmoded genetic patterns and karma.
Rainbow Obsidian is a powerful emotional protector, but one must prepare to process the root causes of emotional distress. Rainbow Obsidian creates a bridge of Light into the dark and painful places of the mind, body and emotions, allowing one to go in and heal them.
Rainbow Obsidian is a wonderful stone for grounding Light into the aura and the physical body. It helps cleanse and align all chakras, as it removes blockages and densities.
Rainbow Obsidian brings hope, illumination and energy into the most blocked and stagnant areas of the emotional body. This helps one feel more optimistic and willing to engage with life. It is a wonderful stone to use for alleviating depression or mood swings.
Affirmation: I willingly choose to take the journey through the darkness of my unconscious, recovering the lost parts of myself, moving to rebirth in the Light.
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