Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Quartz 'Diamonds' are a variety of Quartz crystals found in and around Herkimer, New York, USA. Herkimers have a gloss and hardness and are so named because of their form - short, stubby double-terminated. They can be clear or have inclusions of black carbon deposits and some Herkimers are Smoky.
These crystals, beyond most others, are manifestations of pure, solidified spiritual Light. They emanate a high, harmonious energy that positively sings on the upper levels of the Quartz vibrational spectrum. Herkimers not only broadcast their own energies but they pick up and magnify the frequencies of other stones. This can be of great help when one is using other small crystals in jewellery or grid layouts or if you are wanting to 'amplify' a particular energy of another crystal, for example the soft energy of morganite can be magnified by pairing it with Herkimer.
Herkimers can make a small stone feel as strong as a larger one and can strengthen the effects of some of the more gentle stones.
Herkimers emanate the brightest crystal Light, and they help purify one's energy field and attune one to the white Light of the Divine essence. Wearing Herkimer 'Diamonds' can give one the grace of a constant, almost subliminal connection to the higher spiritual domains. Angels are drawn to the pure etheric radiance emanated by these stones, and Herkimers can therefore be used as aids for those who wish to communicate or commune with the angels.
There is bliss and rapture in the vibration of Herkimer Diamonds, and one can use them in the process of vibrational ascension.
Dream work with Herkimers can be a wonderful experience. Simply wear or sleep with them in the pillowcase. Programming the stone and oneself with the affirmation of "I call forth my highest dreams and I remember and integrate them perfectly". This practice can produce excellent results.
Herkimers can assist in meditation by opening one's higher chakras and helping one remain focussed on the meditative state. They are highly stimulating to the third-eye, crown and etheric chakras and tend to increase psychic sensitivity. They can be used to help support eyesight correction or healing.
Herkimer Diamonds are extremely useful in a healing environment, where their clarity, brilliance and high vibration facilitate the removal of energy blocks or debris and produce a clear, high frequency into the aura.
Larger Herkimer Quartz crystals are excellent purifiers for healing spaces and for other stones. They assist in bringing high-frequency energy into the physical body. For those who have had radiation therapy or exposure, Herkimers can integrate these energies in an easier and healthier way.
Affirmation: I call forth my deepest dreams and highest visions and commit myself to attaining and grounding in the physical world the highest possible spiritual energies.
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