
Azurite is a stone of inner vision and can be used for the enhancement of dreams as well as the development of psychic powers. It can stimulate intellect as well as intuition, and it is a helpful aid for those who are stydying new or challenging subjects. Azurite can also facilitate the agility of mind required to make conceptual leaps and reach new insights.
Azurite can be used to strengthen the astral and etheric bodies, making one less vulnerable to psychic attack or attachments. It can be used to seal 'holes' in the aura, thus alleviating tendencies to succumb to fatigue.
Azurite is the stone of insight and vision. It is an excellent ally for opening and clearing the third-eye and crown chakras, stimulating psychic and intuitive ability and aligning inner vision to higher guidance.
Azurite's ability to stimulate inner sight is also useful for the spiritual seeker. Azurite lends us the inner sight to honestly see where our motives are based. The true spiritual seeker will use one's intuitive abilities and inner sight for the highest good of all beings.
Azurite gives on the ability to 'read between the lines' in what others would have us believe. It is a great aid to non-judgmental discernment, because it allows one to understand the true motives in others as well as oneself. Azurite is an excellent ally to employ when undertaking business or personal partnerships, as it helps the truth rise to the surface.
Azurite is a classic ally for the psychic, medium, channel or other intuitive light worker. It assists one in clearly interpreting psychic information. It is stimulating to the mind and can help with learning, memorising, writing, lecturing or other tasks having to do with the orderly presentation or integration of information. It is an excellent stone to take into testing situations or negotiations.
Azurite opens the third eye and crown, stimulating psychic powers, assisting in past-life recall and bringing an increased sense of connection to the Divine. It helps one sense the truth in a situation and protects one from being misled. It allows one to understand others motives and to act in alignment with Spirit. It helps psychics and other intuitive counsellors improve the accuracy of their interpretations.
Falsehood stems from fear. Azurite has the ability to help one understand the root of one's fears when one is habitually un-truthful or deceptive. It can lend one the courage to correct these patterns and to be more clear and truthful to oneself and others.
Azurite is helpful in all issues of the brain and head. It can help soothe migraines, lessen tinnitus and balance vertigo.
Affirmation: I open my mind to new vision, both inner and outer, as I expand my awareness.
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