Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye is a solar stone of vitality, practicality and physical action. It stimulates the root chakra and the solar plexus, assisting one in taking effective actions in response to the needs and challenges of physical life and remaining grounded, calm and centred, regardless of the outer or inner situation.
Tiger Eye is a stone of mental clarity. It activates and whets the intellect, sharpening the sword of logic. It also opens the mind to embracing paradox, enabling one to simultaneously hold contradictory ideas in a nonjudgmental acceptance that does not try to 'solve' the conflict by favouring one. Such thinking is indispensable as one enters higher states of consciousness and begins to see the many paradoxes that riddle the essential nature of things.
Tiger Eye energises the body to accomplish the imperatives of the will. When one needs to persevere through extended time, hard effort and entangling difficulties, wearing or carrying Tiger Eye can lend one the strength to overcome fatigue or discouragement. Tiger Eye activates and aligns the lower chakras so one's actions draw upon the full spectrum of primal strength, creativity and enlightened intention.
As a stone of the Golden Ray, Tiger Eye can aid one in making contact with the vibrational realm of Christ consciousness. Meditation with this stone can help one to move into a state in which one resides as a point of awareness within an atmosphere of 'warm gold dust', a place permeated with unconditional love and compassion. When one returns, one does not wish to simply 'float around' in the consequent bliss. Rather, one wishes to take actions informed by that consciousness which will bring its energy more fully into the physical world.
As a stone of balance, Tiger Eye works as it does with paradox. It allows one to find the harmonious centre between all types of polarities. It helps one to see both sides in disagreements. It is an excellent stone for professional mediators. Those going through difficult negotiations such as those in divorce or custody matters are encouraged to wear or carry Tiger Eye. One's own ability and willingness to find common ground with the other will often inspire a similar response.
Tiger Eye stimulates the first through third chakras. It supports physical vitality and energy, and it facilitates cell respiration and metabolism. Tiger Eye's energy aids in maintaining balance between extremes. This can be the extreme of one's own light and dark sides, one's humanity and spirit, or the extreme emotional states of joy and sorrow.
Tiger Eye assists one in moving out of the world of duality - of right and wrong, good and bad, dark and light - and into a realm where all polarities are expressions of the single Source. Tiger Eye allows one to make choices based upon discernment, not judgment, in accordance with one's higher guidance.
Tiger Eye grounds the energy of the Solar Ray into the Earth. It carries the frequency of creation - of sunlight upon soil. It helps one live as a balanced and integrated spirit in a physical vehicle, expressing Spirit through each action taken in the world.
Tiger Eye teaches balance between polarities and the underlying unity behind apparent opposites. It assists in balancing the physical with the spiritual and actualising Spirit through mundane tasks.
Tiger Eye helps those who tend to go to extremes to find equilibrium in their emotional lives. It can help create harmony between people with different viewpoints, religious beliefs or approaches to life. It is an excellent ally in bringing harmony to families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord.
Tiger Eye supports general vitality and is strengthening to the endocrine system and in assisting to bring one's hormones and biochemistry into balance.
Affirmation: I act with confidence, clarity, balance, fairness, enthusiasm and strength.