Peacock Obsidian

Peacock Obsidian appears black until polished pieces are exposed to a strong light source, revealing undulating patterns of red, gold, green, violet, orange and/or blue. These colours are not distributed in distinct layers, as in Rainbow Obsidian but are instead laid out in complex swirls, as though the molten lava had been vigorously stirred before it hardened.
Peacock Obsidian's dance of iridescent colours opens the third eye to the inner world of visionary awareness. It is excellent for lucid dreaming, breath work, guided meditation and other practices of consciousness expansion. Like Rainbow Obsidian, it can show one the unexpected Light in darkness, but Peacock Obsidian is not exactly a stone of the depths. It is much more for entering the nearby planes of the astral, subtle and causal world. It is a tool for shamans and others who 'walk between the worlds' - an ally for protection and clear-seeing, helping one to confidently negotiate the doorways between dimensions.
Peacock Obsidian is also a stone that calls the worlds together for celebration. It is excellent for use in rituals and gatherings to which one wishes to call the ancestors, guides and helping spirits.
Peacock Obsidian assists one in opening to inner visions and clearing dreams. It is a stone of shamanic journeys and journeys to other realms of the Earth. It can provide protection for astral travel and during magical work. Peacock Obsidian assists in removing fear around opening one's intuitive senses. It is good for sensitives who have shut down their abilities because of feeling overwhelmed or because of difficulty in controlling the psychic information they receiver. It can aid in protecting these individuals while they learn to more effectively attune their senses. Peacock Obsidian can help provide subtle energy support to those with brain disorders and is an excellent stone for those with mental imbalances.
Peacock Obsidian is the strongest Obsidian for spiritual journeys. It can act as a protective force around the body during astral travel and can make returning to the body a more comfortable experience.
Affirmation: I open myself to see and experience the 'other worlds', knowing I am protected, bringing back helpful information for myself and others.
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