
Dumortierite opens the doors of insight, activating the third eye chakra and assisting one in making the mental leaps necessary for transcending intractable difficulties or seemingly hopeless situations. Dumortierite is a strong stone of mental discipline. it aids in memory retention as well ass in the mental conceptulisation of concepts necessary to bring forward a new synthesis of ideas.
Because of its stimulation of mental and psychic powers, Dumortierite is ideal for those who work in areas such as astrology and tarot. In both cases, one must master a complex symbolic system and use one's intuitive abilities to derive the most accurate interpretation from the data at hand. This type of task is tailor-made for the properties of Dumortierite.
Dumortierite is an excellent stone to use when one needs to access and apply higher guidance in one's life. It is a Wind element ally, and its energy stimulates one's higher mid and visionary abilities. Its most powerful attribute is to attune one's consciousness to the frequency of the "Divine Mind". this does not mean one will necessarily understand what is received, as one's ability to understand this level of consciousness is determined by one's own frequency and spiritual awareness.
Dumortierite is similar to Kyanite in its ability to cut through barriers. It is excellent for clearing blockages in the meridian system and the chakras. It can also assist in moving stuck energies on a mental level - such as writer's or artist's block. this ally is helpful in giving one the vision needed to see how to go around, under, over or through an obstacle blocking one's path. It is useful for those who feel they are on the edge of a breakthrough but just can't see how to move forward.
Dumortierite can help those who see themselves as outsiders to feel more connected - both to the Divine and to others around them. It can help inspire one to overcome life's limitations, lending the courage to move through difficulty and emerge into the Light.
Dumortierite's energies can help support those who feel mentally foggy, unable to focus or concentrate, or whom feel energetically blocked.
Affirmation: I open myself to psychic perception, Divine inspiration and mental discipline, pledging to use my gifts for the good of all.
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