
Selenite quickly opens and activates the third eye, crown chakra and the Soul Star chakra above the head. The energy delivered by Selenite is greater than almost any other stone for the upper chakras. A Selenite wand pointed at the third eye send energy that can feel like a gust of wind going through the forehead and out the top of the head. Selenite is fast and effective at cleansing the auric field, and it can clear congested energies or negativity from one's physical and etheric body.
Crystal healers are recommended to work with Selenite wands, which are ideal for purification and all types of energetic cleansing. When one attaches other stones to Selenite wands, their energies are magnified many times. When one combines several stones and attaches them to a Selenite wand, the energies of the group are blended and amplified, emanating from the wand as a harmonious whole.
Selenite can lift one's awareness to higher planes of inner experience, making it possible for one to consciously meet one's spirit guides and guardian angels. It facilitates the experience of receiving advice and information from one's Guides in the form of "interior movies". In such experiences, one closes one's eyes in meditation whilst laying with a selenite wand resting on the heart chakra and pointing toward the head. If possible, another Selenite wand can be placed on the floor or a pillow, with the point just touching the crown chakra. As one moves into the meditative state, one is likely to see one or more guides, often in forms that symbolise something about the message. The guide or guides will take one through a 'story' that reveals the message symbolically. Words are seldom used, which makes the guides' job much easier. One might say that when Selenite opens the inner eye, the spiritual world enters.
Placing a Selenite wand upon one's back, along the length of the spine, one can achieve an energetic alignment of the vertebrae and chakras as well.
Selenite is an excellent stone for building energy grids in one's home or outdoors. Selenite combines synergistically with almost any stone or combination of stones. It seems wiling to blend and amplify whatever energies one wishes to work with. Therefore, Selenite is an ideal material for making energy tools with other stones. One simple tool is the chakra harmony wand, which combines a stone for each of the chakra colours with the surface of a Selenite crystal. Such tools work well for balancing energies and providing a boost of vitality to individuals whom are fatigued or stressed.
Selenite is the key that unlocks the doorway to the etheric chakras. Once this doorway has been consciously opened, the Higher Self is free to establish itself by grounding the Light Body of an individual, empowering one's next step of evolution. Selenite wands direct this energy throughout the body and can be used as 'magic wands' or 'prayer sticks' which carry one's intentions and thought to the Higher Self and beyond.
Selenite wands are useful tools for healers and are effective as 'scanners' within the energy field, as they dissolve any blockage and allow one access to knowledge of its spiritual origins.
Selenite's energy clears etheric blockages and debris, allowing for a freer flow of energy through the higher chakras - particularly the etheric chakras that facilitate connection and communion with the Higher Self.
Selenite's calcium-and-sulfur base stimulates the emotional body and compels one to move forward with one's life. It aids in overcoming stagnation and prevents one from succumbing to the illusions of 'security' and 'comfort'.
Selenite clears or bridges blockages and densities in the energy field. Selenite wands can be used to direct high-frequency energy into the body, stimulating physical healing.
Affirmation: I move into union with my Higher Self and my interior senses are awakened.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite crystal book - The Book of Stones