Green Tourmaline

The colours of Green Tourmaline vary from the pastel shades of early spring leaves to vibrant emerald, all the way to life and almost black. Whereas Pink Tourmaline is associated with the emotions, Green Tourmaline is viewed as a beneficial influence on one's physical well-being.
Green Tourmaline is one of the premier stones for self-healing. It centres the energies at the heart chakra and it is more connected to the denser vibrations of physical life than is its heart-oriented (pink tourmaline) cousin.
The physical heart in humans is a powerful generator of bio-electricity, creating a measurable energy field that extends twelve to fifteen feet around the body. Green Tourmaline emanates a subtle-energy field that can harmonise with that of the heart, engendering wholeness, dynamic balance and stability. Just as the coherent interaction of the bio-electric fields of two heart cells can entrain them to beat together in resonant rhythm, even when they are not touching one another, so the spiritual vibrations emanating from Green Tourmaline can create a resonance that benefits the heart chakra and thereby the physical heart. Because the heart is the centre of one's being, bringing harmony to that chakra creates a flow of wholesome energy to all parts of the self.
Green Tourmaline, because of its energetic connection with the world of physical life, is a stone of beneficial influence to all things that live and grow. It is a gateway stone to the devic realm and can be used in meditation to commune with Nature spirits. Green Tourmaline is the masculine, or yang counterpart to the feminine energies of Pink Tourmaline. It can enhance vitality and stamina in physical activities, and it can evoke courage and strength. It helps spiritual people embrace and enjoy life in the physical world.
Green Tourmaline works more powerfully on the physical heart and body than does Pink Tourmaline. Though both are heart-activation stones, Green Tourmaline aids in integrating energy into the physical heart and heart chakra. It assists in aligning the heart's electromagnetic field with the electromagnetic field of the Earth, helping to strengthen the heart itself. Because it can align the physical heart, Green Tourmaline is a powerful healing stone. It helps calm the nervous system and emotions, and it facilitates the proper flow of healing energy through the body.
Green Tourmaline brings an invigorating energy of growth and expansion to the emotional body. It can help one to become less inhibited and more expressive. It is useful in countering fear of change or the over-regulation of one's life and habits.
Affirmation: I am physically whole and vibrantly alive. The strength of my heart fills and surrounds me, and I am a positive force in the world.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite crystal book - The Book of Stones