Garnierite (Green Moonstone)

Garnierite, commonly referred to as Green Moonstone, is a variety of Serpentine with a high Nickel content. This chemical element gives Garnierite that distinguishable almost fluorescent green colour.
However, heavy levels of Nickel are capable of creating an olive to dark green hue as well. Officially, this crystal has no definitive chemical composition that can be agreed upon within the mineral community. Some geologists believe it to be a Quartz crystalline base with a chemical body closely resembling Lizardite (a variety of Serpentine), Chrysoprase (a variety of Chalcedony with minor Nickel inclusions), or Peridot.
Green Nickel Ore also contains magnesium as well as talc, serpentine, antigorite, sepiolite, chlorite or smectite in various amounts.
It's colour varies, and includes dark green, a lovely bright lime green through to a pale green that may be almost white coloured depending on how much of the green nickel ore it contains.
Garnierite is known as the Stone of the Goddess Gaia. They have a good energy to make a connection with the energies of Mother Gaia and this may help to replenish your vital energy.
Garnierite is a stone that allows you to find out about self love and what it means to be able to encourage the best of your inner being.
The stone allows you to see that as you begin to work on and love your own inner spirit, that you can also begin to love others spiritually as well caring for your environment and the wider environment in which you live.
The energy of this stone is known to help the healing of issues in the wrist and the arm, as well as aiding the healing of problems in the spine and the vertebrae.
One of the more interesting ways that Garnierite stones are purported to assist your health is its action to substitute negative energy in your body that has been causing ill health, with a more vibrant, energised and positive energy.
Their energy is also known to be helpful to assist you to be aware of the nutrients in what you are eating on a day to day basis, in order to assist you to gain improved health through better nutrition.
I would like to thank HealingCrystalsforYou for the adaptation of some of the above text.
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Trusted health information should be sought through your local doctor or pharmacy and other reliable professional healthcare providers.