
The Heart Chakra is is at the centre of our physical selves, and is our centre on many other levels as well. The heart chakra is the wellspring of the emotions, particularly love and compassion. Love and compassion are the emotions which most truly reflect one's Divine nature, and they are the rightful focus and aspiration of those on the spiritual path. Emerald is the stone which most purely represents the energy patterns of the activated heart chakra.
It is the stone that helps one to live and act from the heart level, offering unconditional love and compassion in one's daily life and relationships, opening one to receive love from others and clearing the channel for one's own connection with Divine Love. Emerald can help one stay centred in the hearts wisdom, so one is not misled by ideas which may sound reasonable but are not truly 'paths with heart'. Emerald can help one to heal 'heartbreak', and to remember to give love to oneself as well as others.
An open heart allows the cornucopia of universal blessings to flow into one's life, and perhaps this is why Emerald is also known as a stone of prosperity. Wearing Emerald helps attune one's vibrational pattern to the spectrum of abundance, allowing one to attract what one needs and desires. Emerald is also a stone of courage - another emotion which emanates from the strong and open heart. It helps one move forward on the 'path with heart'.
Emerald is a beatiful and powerful Water element stone that has wonderful effects on the emotional and physical bodies. Emerald opens the heart, alleviates heaviness in the emotional field and infuses the aura with a pure nourishing Green Ray of Light. It brings an energy of hope, encouragement, gentleness and abundance into one's auric field. From this gentleness and hope we find the energies of compassion and love. Emerald is the stone of heart-centred consicoueness and the healing that it brings to all levels of being.
Emerals stimulates the physical heart and clears the emotional body of patterns of victimisation and rejection of personal power. It brings a freshness and vitality to the emotional and physical heart. Emerald has traditionally been used as a stone of Love because of its ability to clear and strengthen the physical and emotional heart centres. It helps us view all events, circumstances and people in our lives with compassion and acceptance. Emerald stimulates the 'high heart', or the transpersonal Love centre just above and to the left of the heart chakra. It assists one to practice compassion and respectful understanding of other.
Emerald has also been traditionally used to stimulate wealth and abundance. Emerald assists one in creating wealth by removing thoughts of unworthiness from one's energy field. When these blocks are removed, wealth can naturally develop if desired.
Emerald also assists in experiencing true abundance, which is not the same as wealth. Abundance describes one's ability to receive the gifts of Spirit within all of life's experiences. It is a sense of opening one's life to the Divine and embracing all of its manifestations with gratitude. True abundance is knowing that all is provided.
Emerald connects one to the frequency of Divine Love, compassion and true appreciation for all of one's experiences and creations. It is powerful for shifting scarcity consciousness to prosperity consciousness, developing one's trust that the Universe will provide for all of one's needs. It allows one to develop gratitude through perceiving and receiving the gifts of the Divine. Emerald links the personal heart with the energy of Divine Love.
Emerald is a wonderful emotional healer. It allows one to display one's compassionate, caring nature without fear of vulnerability. It encourages one to trust the Divine in all things and to surrender one's personal version of what reality 'should' be. Emerald can assist in overcoming feelings of unworthiness, fear of scarcity and abandonment. It encourages acceptance of others without judgment or imposition of one's own views of reality.
Affirmation: Through love and compassion, all things are healed and blessings flow freely.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite crystal book - The Book of Stones