
Chrysoprase is a lovely stone of the pure Green Ray and as such it is a stone of the heart. Its colour speaks of its strong healing energy and of its connection to the domain of Nature spirits. Wearing or meditating with these stones can facilitate a deep heart connection with the spirit of the Earth Mother, as well as devas and other Earth-spirit entities.
Chrysoprase also helps one remain centred in the heart at all times, providing the courage to face difficult or threatening situations with steadfast resolve and truth-centred compassion.
Through the compassionate lens of Chrysoprase, one is able to look back at relationships which ended unpleasantly and to resolve them inwardly with a profound sense of forgiveness, both for the other person, and for oneself.
These stones truly give strength to the emotional heart and offer energetic support to the physical heart as well.
Chrysoprase also activates the solar-plexus chakra, seat of the will. It works to blend one's personal will with the urgings of the heart, thus uniting our individual desires with the heart's higher longing for the good of all. Meditation with two Chrysoprase stones - one placed at the heart and the other at the solar plexus - will facilitate the linkage of these two energy centres, coordinating their energies and reforming them into a powerful, unified, vibrational force. The awakened heart, fuelled by the undivided will, can do much to awaken the hearts of others and to bring the heart's desires to fruition.
The frequency of Chrysoprase reminds one of sunlight falling through fresh, new spring leaves. It carries an energy of growth and ripening promise. Chrysoprase brings hope even into the darkest regions of one's shadow self. It reminds us of our constant connection to the source of All-That-Is. Its energy expands the heart chakra and allows one to receive the infinite Love and Abundance of the Universe. It helps one accept one's birthrights of prosperity, joy and health. It helps one to understand one's interconnectedness with all of creation and to heal feelings of separation and isolation.
Chrysoprase is an excellent prosperity stone and a powerful Love attractor. It helps one prepare the heart for a new relationship. It allows one to overcome bitterness and past disappointment and to approach new relationships with the curious heart of youth. It can aid in identifying patterns and habits in relationships, clearing them before they create blockages.
Chrysoprase assists in connecting with the abundant energy and love of the Divine. It stimulates the heart chakra and kindles an expanded ability to feel and express love. Chrysoprase can help one connect with Nature beings and the beauty of the natural world. It assists us in fostering positive, healing thoughts towards each other and the Earth.
As a heart-healing stone, Chrysoprase can help one work through a host of emotional imbalances. It teaches us that anything that isn't love, isn't love. It helps us release attachment to fear-based emotions, belief systems and actions. It is an excellent stone for those who choose to heal from abuse, breaking the cycle of abuse for future generations. It is also helpful in understanding the karmic basis for emotional patterns within relationships.
Chrysoprase supports general healing and regeneration. It is the 'stone of youth', in that it assists in maintaining a youthful spirit, outlook and energy. It can be helpful in recuperation from degenerative diseases of all types.
Affirmation: I see myself and others through the lens of the heart's compassion, and I grow in the paths that serve the good of all.