Taking the Bull by the Horns ... 2022

My Metaphor for "2022" did not come to me lightly.
I have watched so many people 'wrestle' with so many things over the past year, feeling 'trampled' and 'held back', disempowered and confused. But being one who likes to find the light in the darkness, to find the beauty amongst the chaos, a metaphor came to me during 2021 that 2022 was going to be the year I "take the Bull by the horns" and the meaning of this is multi-level and something that I am so looking forward to exploring and sharing with you during live show ups throughout this year.
But firstly, I need to clarify something that I feel passionate about. NO ACTUAL BULL was harmed in my using this metaphor. You are going to be seeing some special creations I have made featuring the Bull Skull (and flowers) and this symbol to me is one of HONOUR. It is one of honouring the 'life-cycle' (another of my passions) which includes birth, living and death. It is also about honouring the teachings, learnings and experiences that we have throughout our lives, long after those people whom we may have grown with, shared with, laughed with, cried with, struggled with, have moved on. The experiences that we have had with those that we love, never leave us. We hold those forever in our hearts. And as such the symbol of the bull's (beautiful I might add) skull, is meaningful in this way for me.
You may find the image confronts you. And if it does, I ask for you to explore that within. What is it 'meaning' for you. Dying and Death are actually a part of life and as those of you who have followed me and shown up with me know, I have a very life affirming attitude to death and this symbol (which you will find in my creations is always including beautiful colours, flowers or sacred geometric shapes) is the perfect juxtaposition to express this for me.
I have so much to write and share on this topic as I have been 'fermenting' it within for some time.
I am so joyed by the New Year, seeing it as a fresh new beginning, but also the year that we "take the bull by the horns", that we take charge of our direction, our thoughts, we own our choices and we lift each other up. We help others to take charge of their own "inner bull". We do no harm and we take no bullshit.
2022 - I'm ready, are you?