Affirmation: "I gratefully receive my birthright of success, abundance and prosperity on all levels"

Affirmation: "I align my personal will with my understanding of Divine will, and I move forward with clarity and confidence"

Affirmation: " I see myself and others through the lens of the heart's compassion, and I grow in the paths that serve the good of all"

Serpentine Affirmation: "I commit myself to manifesting the Divine potential that resides in the cells of my physical body and in the vibrational pattern of my energy body, and I offer my service to the healing and evolution of the Earth"
Stichtite Affirmation: "I release my fears and judgments, liberating my heart to love without limit"

Green Tourmaline
Affirmation: "I am physically whole and vibrantly alive. The strength of my heart fills and surrounds me, and I am a positive force in the world"

Affirmation: "Through love and compassion, all things are healed and blessings flow freely"