Herkimer Diamond
Affirmation: "I call forth my deepest dreams and highest visions and commit myself to attaining and grounding in the physical world the highest possible spiritual energies"

Peacock Obsidian
Affirmation: "I open myself to see and experience the 'other worlds', knowing I am protected, bringing back helpful information for myself and others"

Rainbow Obsidian
Affirmation: "I willingly choose to take the journey through the darkness of my unconscious, recovering the lost parts of myself, moving to rebirth in the Light"

Affirmation: "I awaken my genetic inheritance and my capacities to feel and to flow with the knowing that comes directly from Nature"

Smoky Quartz
Affirmation: "I am grounded and centred in my physical body, and I work step-by-step to achieve my goals"

Affirmation: "I call forth the patterns of healing, wholeness and regeneration, for the wellness of my body and the evolution of my Soul and Spirit"

Black Tourmaline
Affirmation: "I banish all negative attachments, within and without. I am purified, grounded and centred upon the Earth"

Affirmation: "I am cool, calm and serene, yet fully in touch with my feminine power, and I clearly communicate my wisdom and my desires"

Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz crystals are the most common and versatile tools in the mineral kingdom. They are also programmable by the user and therefore your affirmation should be affirmed by YOU with the crystal for your intention.

Affirmation: “I am purified, uplifted and protected through my connection with the Divine”

Blue Calcite
Affirmation: “My intuitive awareness is always increasing, my emotions are calm and serene, and I express my inner visions with truth and clarity”.