
Sunstone is a stone of personal power, freedom, and expanded consciousness. Of all the stones on Earth, this one truly reflects the qualities of Solar Light - openness, benevolence, warmth, strength, mental clarity and the willingness and ability to bestow blessings upon others.
Sunstone energises the second and third chakras, stimulating not only leadership and will, but also creativity and sexuality. The blend of these energies can bring exceptional adventurousness, fun and innovative experimentation in tone’s romantic and artistic expressions. This is a combination of great exuberance which one should find very enjoyable.
Sunstone is the yang which balances the yin of Moonstone, and when worn together these stones work in beautiful harmony.
Sunstone is a Fire element ally that carries the frequency of the Solar Ray, representing enlightened leadership and the ability to utilise knowledge and wisdom for the highest good of all. The Solar Ray carries the energy of Ra, the sun God, whose energy brings forth the potential life within the earth. This reminds us of the initiation of Light we are all currently undergoing, in which our true nature is being brought forth by continual exposure to higher frequencies of Light.
Sunstone teaches one to utilise one’s skills and abilities in service to others. It is a stone of abundance, helping one take action to manifest one’s desires in physicality.
Sunstone warms and stimulates the emotional body. It can help one transform anger into energy, judgment into joy. It raises the vibration of one’s emotional patterns.
Affirmation: I claim my true place of leadership, giving and receiving abundant blessings.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite "go to" crystal bible The Book of Stones.