Lilac Lepidolite

This variety of Lepidolite has been found only in Zimbabwe, Africa. It is one of the newest Lepidolite discoveries, and one of the most popular for metaphysical use.
Lilac Lepidolite blends the Pink Ray of the Heart with the Violet Flame of Purification and spiritual awakening. It activates one's conscious connection to the Higher Self and assists one in maintaining that link. Wearing Lilac Lepidolite can facilitate one's development of awareness of the Divine Presence and can help you to become a conscious co-creator with that presence.
When one is in this state of consciousness, one feels quite literally that the everyday self and the Higher Self are working in tandem, acting together in a dynamic harmony to orchestrate the flow of life. When this occurs, the number of positive synchronicities in one's life goes up dramatically. It is like having 'good luck' or being blessed, except that the good fortune flows from one's own intention.. This is a state to which many of us are evolving. lilac Lepidolite is a tool for activating and accelerating this process.
Lilac Lepidolite enhances feelings of peace, serenity and love, making it ideal for releasing stress, calming frayed nerves and simply letting go. It is recommended for those wishing to recover from grief or depression and for individuals wishing to enhance their sense of well-being.
Anyone undergoing a difficult time, such as an illness, marital breakup, career shift or other personal challenge, may find Lilac Lepidolite to be a talisman of inner peace and a conduit to joy.
The deeply relaxing energies of Lepidolite take a wonderful turn in this Lilac-coloured variety. Its vibration is immediately soothing, facilitating the release of stress, tension and worries. Its energy is like a deep, warm bath for the aura - cleansing away the psychic and energetic debris of the day and balancing the emotional body.
In addition to its stress- reducing qualities, Lilac Lepidolite is a heart-healing stone. Its soothing, supportive energies are excellent for those who are grieving after a loss, or for those who have experienced some other type of intense emotional trauma.
Lilac Lepidolite helps quiet the mind for meditation and centres those who are energetically scattered. It aids in reaching a meditative state akin to the level between waking and dreaming. It opens the heart whilst it encourages understanding of one's emotional experiences.
This stone assists the body in releasing stress and tension. It is excellent to use for inflammation. It is soothing for arthritis and joint pain. It is recommended for those who have excessive nightmares.
Lilac Lepidolite activates one's link to the Divine presence, the perfected pattern of the spiritual self. Think of it as oneself in angelic form. As the link is strengthened and made conscious, one can begin to 'write the script' for the inner and outer events of one's life.
Lilac Lepidolite aids in releasing stress and embracing serenity and love. It supports the spiritualisation of one's emotions, where drama is replaced by acceptance and joy.
As it dispels stress and nervous tension, Lilac Lepidolite assists the organs and systems of the body to move into their most harmonious and effective modes of functioning, it is an excellent stone for those recovering from a heart attach or nervous breakdown.
Affirmation: I am attuned to my Divine Presence and am filled with peace, love and joy.
This crystal description has been adapted from my favourite crystal "go to" book - the Book of Stones.
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